Monday, November 12, 2012

Tax-Dodging Hypocrites

Fix the Debt is a coalition of more than 80 CEO's who claim they know best how to deal with our nation’s fiscal challenges. The group boasts a $60 million budget just for the initial phase of a massive media and lobbying campaign.

The irony is that the CEO's in the coalition’s leadership have been major contributors to the national debt they now claim to know how to fix. These are guys who’ve mastered every tax-dodging trick in the book. And now that they’ve boosted their corporate profits by draining the public treasury, how do they propose we put our fiscal house back in order? squeezing programs like including Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

Another of their pro-growth policies would be a territorial system under which corporate foreign earnings would be permanently exempted from American taxation. This idea would make it even more profitable for big corporations to use accounting tricks to disguise U.S. profits as income earned in tax havens. Citizens for Tax Justice estimates that such tax haven abuse will cost the Treasury more than $1 trillion over the next decade.