Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Apps vs. HTML5

35% of today's Web is HTML5 compliant
What is the difference between the currently dominant native apps market and the market environment of the future, namely HTML5?

Native apps are distributed through app stores and markets controlled by the owners of the platforms. HTML5 is distributed through the rules of the open web: the link economy.

Native apps come with one-click purchase options built into mobile platforms. HTML5 apps tend to be monetized through advertising, because payments areless user-friendly.

Today, developers have to conform with Apple's rules. Thus, Apple's market share creates network effects and lock-in. But as HTML5 enabled sites become more common and developers can build excellent iPhone and iPad functionality on the web, developers can cut Apple out of the loop. This will reduce the network effects of Apple's platform.

Right now, native apps can do a lot more than HTML5 apps. But as HTML5 apps inevitably improve, Apple will embrace HTML5 or die.